Endon Dramatic Society present Sheila’s Island a comedy by Tim Firth

Bonfire night 2019, Sheila, Denise, Julie and Fay are Team C in Pennine Mineral Water Ltd.’s annual outward-bound team- building weekend.

Somehow, Sheila has been nominated team leader, and, using her cryptic crossword solving skills, has unwittingly stranded her team on an island in the Lake District.

Our intrepid heroines find themselves manufacturing weapons from cable ties and spatulas, and create a rescue flag with plastic plates and a toasting fork.

Questions are asked; truths are told; dirty washing is aired.

Is it possible to build an adequate night shelter with a prom dress and a sleeveless jumper? What is Julie’s husband up to in Aldi? And why arethey on this bloody teambuilding exercise when they could be at a spar?

Wednesday 24th to Saturday 27th May 7.30pm

Endon Village Hall.

Tickets Full price £10 or Concessions £8

Includes programme and refreshments

Telephone/Text 07870750857 or 07772464610


email: endondramaticsocietyoutlook.com